Developer Guide Best practice when coding with AICS

SES Dashboard

SES Dashboard presents the stats of commits/PRs by orgnization, member and team. You can see the blind review results of your PRs or the PRs which have been assigned to you if you are sign-off committee.


Present the curve of # of commits, # of reviews and # of signoff


Name: name of each member

Check-ins: # of commits which have been merge into master branch during the time period

Lines of codes: Total lines of commits which have been merge into master branch during the time period

Ave. Lines of Codes per Checkin: Average lines of code per check-in during the time period

Code Reviews: # of PRs which have been reviewed during the time period

Sign-offs: # of PRs which have been assigned during the time period

Quality Score: Average score of blind reviews of PRs during the time period. N/A if no quality score of PRs available during the time period.

SonarCloud Score: Average score of SonarCloud code quality of PRs during the time period. N/A if no SonarCloud score of PRs available during the time period.

Avg. Score: Average score of Quality Score and SonarCloud Score. N/A if either Quality Score or SonarCloud Score is not available.


Name: name of each EM

Check-ins: # of commits which have been merge into master branch during the time period

Lines of codes: Total lines of commits which have been merge into master branch during the time period

Code Reviews: # of PRs which have been reviewed during the time period

Sign-offs: # of PRs which have been assigned during the time period

Ave. Checkins per Member: Average check-ins per member during the time period

Ave. Lines of Codes per Checkin: Average lines of code per check-in during the time period

Ave. Lines of Codes per Member: Average lines of code per member during the time period

Quality Score: Average score of blind reviews of PRs during the time period. N/A if no quality score of PRs available during the time period.

SonarCloud Score: Average score of SonarCloud code quality of PRs during the time period. N/A if no SonarCloud score of PRs available during the time period.

Avg. Score: Average score of Quality Score and SonarCloud Score. N/A if either Quality Score or SonarCloud Score is not available.

Review Results

A list of PRs you have reviewed through blind review

My PRs

A list of your PRs which have been review through blind review

Pending Reviews

A list of PRs you need to review through blind review

Blind Review

If you are sign-off committee, PRs might be assgined for you to review every week. Start your blind review through pending review list. You may comment by line to give advice for this PR and submit score after that. If you have questions on the PR, you may select pass to meeting. Thus, this review will be postponed to weekly review meeting. If this PR cannot be scored, please select the third option ‘Should NOT have score’ and submit it.