Developer Guide Best practice when coding with AICS

Welcome to the developer guide!

Hey there! This Wiki is to help the developers to have a mutual understanding on project workflow, CI/CD and code quality control.

Sign up on GitHub, Travis-CI and SonarCloud

To get started with the development flow, you must:

  1. Sign up on GitHub. Please use your ASUS email and OA account name (without underscore and space) as username while registering.

    Using ASUS email and OA user name to register can facilitate the collaboration among different teams.
    If you already have a personal GitHub account, you can use it anyway.
    However, please make sure the other colleagues can recognize your identity clearly.

  2. Important: Log into AICS's SSO provider with your OA account to authenticate your identity in ASUS-AICS organization.

    For example: ASUS\your_user_name
    In the case of logging SSO on your OA device, you may be able to skip the process of entering account name and password.

  3. You have two ways to operate with Git repository: through SSH or HTTPS.
    If your repository uses an SSH remote URL, you have to configure your GitHub account settings with a device-specific SSH key and authorize this SSH key for use with SAML SSO.
    For more detailed steps, follow GitHub Help documents: Or, if you wish to access your repositories through HTTPS URL, you have to create a personal token in settings, which can be use in place of a password when performing Git operations over HTTPS:
    Follow the steps below:
  4. Sign up on with your GitHub Account.
  5. Sign up on SonarCloud with your GitHub Account.

Project setup

Now, you are ready. Check out the following tutorials to setup your project. Happy coding!





Support or Contact

Contact Wei-Lun Ting, Ching Chang, Mist Liao for technical help.

Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to open an issue on GitHub.